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Crowdfunding for publishing Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master´ in Japanese

The aim of this crowdfunding project is to publish Sri M’s autobiography, 'Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master: A Yogi’s Autobiography', in Japanese.

If we get enough support through this crowdfunding project, we shall be able to get this book published in Japan. Readers who would appreciate this kind of book tend to stay away from social media and the buzz of the Internet, so there is no guarantee that these readers will come across our crowdfunding project at all. This project is almost akin to climbing up the Himalayan mountains in terms of its uncertainty and potential challenges. We humbly ask for your help to spread the word, so that this project can be brought to the eyes of many people.


This is the original crowdfunding page in Japanese (Timing 08/30/2019 - 10/31/2019):


We regret to inform you that the crowdfunding site does not accept credit cards issued outside of Japan. If you are based abroad and are interested in supporting the project, please send an email to the following email address:





When it was first published, 'Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master' immediately became a national bestseller in India. Soon, many people outside of India also came to know of of it; subsequently, the reader base spread worldwide.


The book’s author, Sri M, belongs to one of the ancient lineages of yogis in Himalaya, Nath Pant. Not only a yogi but also a social reformer, Sri M undertook a large scale peace walk in 2015, with a mission to help people come together, regardless of religion, gender, race or ethnicity. “Walk of Hope” across the Indian subcontinent attracted more than ten million people, providing people with ample opportunity for interfaith and interracial dialogue and prayer.




'Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master' traces the footsteps of this elevated soul. His soul's journey, guided and protected by his master, is an absolutely absorbing and fascinating one. It has been translated into many languages, but not yet into Japanese.


This is an incredibly important book that needs to be brought to the attention of people in Japan. Japanese publishers, however, tend to shy away from publishing books in relatively minor genres as the industry isn’t particularly lucrative these days.


This book was initially to be published by a Japanese publisher. But, half way through the process, there was an unexpected change in the management structure of the firm, and the contract was abandoned. The prospect for publication of the Japanese translation appeared to be doomed then.


Thankfully with the persistence of the team and support from many people, the book eventually found its way into publication though this crowdfunding project. Also, the people’s support and encouragement pushed the team to found a brand new publishing firm, Padma Publishing, for the publication of this book. Once this project is a success, we hope to bring more books like this to Japanese people in the future.


'Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master' is a priceless record of a soul’s sojourn that opens up the horizon of life beyond what is normally known. We hope to bring this precious book to many readers in Japan. We humbly ask for your kind support to publish this book in Japan.




SriM interview for Japanese people:





■Project Director/Editor: Akiko Otsu


This book is not a fairy tale story about a saint aloof from the society. The author  lives in this world with us. This book reminds us that each single one of us is on an important journey of life.




■Translator: Kotaro Aoki

Sri M, an authentic heir to the ancient lineage of yogis in India, takes the ideal of diversity and inclusion into action through transformation of the minds of individuals.




■Reviewer: Toshiyasu Takei (Director of Ganesha Ganga) 

In this day and age, it is rare to come across a real sage even in books. I strongly believe that this book will bring a ray of light into today’s dark world.


Many supporters contributed words of encouragement and recommendation for this project. Please read below what leading yoga and spiritual teachers in Japan have to say about this book. 




◇Junko Tomonaga (Director of Tomonaga Yoga Institute) 

Techniques and knowledge are important to attain a state of yoga; however, equally important is a strong yearning for the higher realm, the world that this book explores and represents.




◇Gandhari Matsumoto (Director of Nagomi Yoga Research Institute) 

This book shall find the right people. Such is the power of this book. Let’s bring this book into the world.




Yumiko Terasaki (Director of Sivananda Yoga Vidya Kendram) 

This book is a testament to the depth of a guru’s love, which even exceeds that of a mother.




◇Yoshio Yamasaka (Director of Mount Hill Yoga Studio) 

This book has the power to purify and awaken the pure force within the reader.




◇Tomoko Hayano (Director of Tryambakam yoga center)

This autobiography will help bring the next generation of yoga practitioners into Japan.



The crowdfunding website does not accept credit cards issued outside of Japan. If you would like to support the project, please contact us via email:



<1> Make a pledge without a reward: ¥2000 ($20USD approx)〜

・All the funding goes to support the project. The minimum amount is ¥2000〜

・A thank you letter from the project members.


<2> Purchase a book: ¥4,800(plus 8%tax) ($50USD approx)

・Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master, in Japanese

※Extra cost for international shipment applies 


<3>  Your name in the book + Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master in Japanese: ¥20,000(plus tax) ($200USD approx)

・ As a sign of your contribution to the project, your name will be printed in the acknowledgement section of the book.

・ Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master, in Japanese, with your name in the acknowledgment section.

※Extra cost for international shipment applies


<4> Purchase a bundle of 5 books for a discount price: ¥22,500(plus 8%tax) ($220USD approx)

・Recommended for a group purchase. 7% special discount applies.  

※Extra cost for international shipment applies


<5> Purchase a bundle of 10 books for a discount price: ¥40,000(plus 8%tax) ($400USD approx)

・Recommended for a group purchase. 7% special discount applies.

※Extra cost for international shipment applies  


<6> Support Sri M’s visit to Japan in the future: ¥30,000(plus 8%tax) ($300USD approx)

・ Support Sri M’s visit to Japan in the future.

・ Early bird reservation option for Sri M’s visit to Japan (date to be announced). 

※When the visit is announced in the future, supporters for this reward will receive additional benefits.

 ※This reward does not come with a book. Please choose the book reward separately if you wish to have a copy of it.


The tax rate'll increase to 10% from 01,October, 2019, but in this crowdfunding, the tax is 8% fix rate.

翻訳者によるSri M氏の紹介 (part 3) – 翻訳に至る経緯・読者に対する想い

翻訳者推薦文 2019.09.06 (part 3) 

GREEN FUNDINGサイトはこちらです。https://greenfunding.jp/lab/projects/3065












part 1 はこちらです。https://purnamidam.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/09/01/211516

part 2 はこちらです。 https://purnamidam.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/09/03/190138




【青木 光太郎】略歴:インド各地を放浪する翻訳家。日本で生まれて高校まで日本で育つ。フリーマン奨学金を受けて、大学はアメリカのコネチカット州にあるウェズリアン大学で西洋哲学を学ぶ。大学卒業後はいくつかの職場で働き、その後は翻訳をしながら世界を旅する。現在はインドを放浪しながら、各地の達人からヨーガとヒンドゥー密教を学んでいる。



翻訳者によるSri M氏の紹介 (part 2) – シュリー・エムという人物

翻訳者推薦文 2019.09.03 (part 2) 

GREEN FUNDINGサイトはこちらです。https://greenfunding.jp/lab/projects/3065









part 2 はこちらです。 https://purnamidam.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/09/03/190138

part 3 はこちらです。 https://purnamidam.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/09/06/101748  




【青木 光太郎】略歴:インド各地を放浪する翻訳家。日本で生まれて高校まで日本で育つ。フリーマン奨学金を受けて、大学はアメリカのコネチカット州にあるウェズリアン大学で西洋哲学を学ぶ。大学卒業後はいくつかの職場で働き、その後は翻訳をしながら世界を旅する。現在はインドを放浪しながら、各地の達人からヨーガとヒンドゥー密教を学んでいる。



翻訳者によるSri M氏の紹介 (part 1) – 分裂から統合へ

翻訳者推薦文 2019.09.01 (part 1) 

GREEN FUNDINGのサイトはこちらです。https://greenfunding.jp/lab/projects/3065


―分断から統合へ~ シュリー・エム氏のあり方













part 2はこちらです。https://purnamidam.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/09/03/190138

part 3はこちらです。https://purnamidam.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/09/06/101748




【青木 光太郎】略歴:インド各地を放浪する翻訳家。日本で生まれて高校まで日本で育つ。フリーマン奨学金を受けて、大学はアメリカのコネチカット州にあるウェズリアン大学で西洋哲学を学ぶ。大学卒業後はいくつかの職場で働き、その後は翻訳をしながら世界を旅する。現在はインドを放浪しながら、各地の達人からヨーガとヒンドゥー密教を学んでいる。




『ヒマラヤの師と共に』 目次のご紹介

GREEN FUNDINGサイトはこちらです。https://greenfunding.jp/lab/projects/3065


ヒマラヤの師と共に 現代を生きるヨーギーの自叙伝  




1章 はじまり

2章 ヒマラヤからの訪問者

3章 ガーヤトリー・マントラの詠唱

4章 ヨーギー・ゴーパーラ・サーミとの出会い

5章 神に陶酔したスーフィーの聖者

6章 ヒンドゥー教のスブラマンニャ寺院

7章 ヒマラヤ登頂のための準備期間

8章 シュリー・ナーラーヤナ・グルの物語

9章 奇妙で絶妙なインプット

10章 マスターンによる祝福

11章 3人の僧

12章 裸の女聖者 マイ・マー

13章 聖なる狂気とは

14章 ヒマラヤ試運転

15章 ヒマラヤに向けて出発

16章 ヴァーシシュタ洞窟

17章 ナーガ・サードゥと偉大なるマントラ

18章 神官と靴の修理屋

19章 バドリナートでの求道者

20章 ババジとの再会

21章 最初の秘伝の伝授

22章 クンダリニーの火を灯す

23章 年老いたチベットのラマ

24章 ヨーガ、ヴェーダ、ナータ派

25章 山男とトリングムットへの旅

26章 花の谷とヘームクンド

27章 シッダとの出会い

28章 ケダールナートで経路を拓く

29章 空から訪れた火の玉

30章 伝説の師匠との出会いと癒やし

31章 真の聖者

32章 シュリー・ヴィッデャの秘伝の伝授

33章 ドイツ人による解剖学の講義

34章 トリヴァンドラムへの帰還

35章 使命のための準備期間

36章 スーフィーの聖者の弟子となる

37章 ラーマクリシュナ・ミッションのブラフマチャーリー

38章 シュリー・デーヴィーとニーム・カローリ・ババに出会う

39章 ヴァーラーナシーのアゴーリーの変身

40章 アランディ、シルディとドア抜け事件

41章 さらなる旅と発見の日々

42章 タージ・マハールでババジに出会う

43章 ラクシュマン・ジューとJ・クリシュナムールティに会う

44章 ヴァサント・ビハールでの日々

45章 ババジ、肉体を離れる

46章 「K」の他界

47章 ニール・バーグへの転居と結婚生活

48章 サットサンガという名の列車

49章 カイラス山・マナサローヴァル湖への巡礼

50章 終わることなき旅

